Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to band and orchestra!

I guess we've been back for a while now, but in the band program, we're finally back into our normal schedule again.

Thank you again for working with me that first month. It's always better to split the students out into their individual instruments when we're first starting out. And thank you for sending your students to band camp! It was a HUGE success! I taught the percussion room and we had 18 students from throughout the district the second night. I don't think I've ever had that many kids in percussion! It's making me excited for Monster Concert later on in the year.

I just wanted to send out a quick reminder that tuition is now due. It's $200 for the year, or $100 per semester. I was just totaling things up and it looks like I only have about 1/3 of the tuition so far. I'd rather have that number closer to the 1/2 range for this time of year. If you've already paid, great and thank you! If you haven't, please pay as soon as possible. If you're not sure, send me an email (jenworthen3 at hotmail dot com), or give me a call (ask the school for my number just because I prefer to not put it online), or even come visit me for a minute in class (preferably at the end so I can start my class on time -- we get out at 8:10).

Thank you for everything you do as parents to help support this amazing program. Keep up the great work!

Mrs. Worthen

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